July 11, 2010

12. Montreal, Canada

An amazing canadian artist saying goodbye to Montreal with this last work.
But it is only a goodbye to Montreal and soon these four hands will get together again.

May 26, 2010

6. Berlin, Germany - Little Lucy

Little Lucy is a character by the Berlin based artist El Bocho. Whenever you find Little Lucy in the streets you will also be able to find Lucys' cat (Kitty) nearby just about to be killed or tortured by Little Lucy. This search for the poor Kitty after spotting Lucy plus the fact that none of the art works are used more than once, makes this artist work very interesting to follow and very unique.

Little Lucy with a present for Kitty.

Two excellent artists together. Miss Van and
Little Lucy with Kitty.

Little Lucys' Kitty is here found in a microwave. Whenever
you see Kitty she is about to get killed or tortured by Lucy.

See the link section for more great work by El Bocho.

5. Berlin, Germany

4. Berlin, Germany

3. Berlin, Germany - Berlin Wall